Several hundred hours of development went into the creation of our own influencer Malive. At the beginning there was the elaboration of the personality, followed by first scribbles and sketches up to the elaboration of the three-dimensional model for body, face and hair as a basis for the complex animations of posture, movement and facial expressions. Not to be underestimated is the part of the clothing, which is also created digitally and should always be new, stylish and fit the occasion of the posting.
Meet Malive: Hundreds of hours of development, a dedicated team and first collaborations
Malive has her own team that lovingly takes care of her, she entered the world in November 2022. We cooperate closely with our sister company construktiv, which is a great partner for Anyland as a digital agency with 25 years of experience and 100 employees. Malive already had her first big appearance on the blue carpet, not the red carpet in this case, at the launch of Paramount+ in Germany, where she posed alongside celebrities like Younes (Tiktok 30 million followers), Anson Mount (the new captain of the USS Enterprise) and influencers like Klaudia Giez and Sophie Passmann.
Malive is one of Germany’s first virtual influencers. Launched in November 2022 on Instagram. Many brands have already collaborated with Malive and set an example in their industry – including press coverage in Lebensmittelzeitung, Ă„rzteverlag and Horizont.
Give your brand a fresh, modern voice with customized avatars. Discover new ways to inspire your target group and convey your messages in an impressive way.